
Hello, there. I am Christoffer Osland, and this is my website. I use it to post thoughts, images, amusing links and things i find interesting.

Some words about myself: Professionally, I work with databases and data analysis solutions. I started off with a general computer science education. A side project, delivering data visualization, led to a startup company that I was involved with for about a year. Since 2009, I have worked with Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse solutions in the financial services. From time to time, I might share some thoughts on different approaches to do BI and DWH.

A significant part of me is the computer geek, and since I get to work with one of my hobbies at work, I try to make my after work activities more “family friendly”.

I do some photographing, mainly when I am outdoors. I take photos primarily when I am traveling or trekking.

If you want to contact me, you can send me an email at post @ this domain.