Tag: Business Intelligence

  • Abstract data warehousing and Rolls Royces

    When should you use data abstraction in your data warehouse? (Short answer: when it is profitable for your company) Cisco has a nice introduction on the best practice of using data abstraction in your Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). They argue that the best practice is to transform your data from its original form, into what your…

  • Should companies depreciate email?

    Todays post is about electronic mail. It occurred to me, that I might be writing to the generation 40+. Everyone from 13-30s think they have it all figured out, especially in regards to computers. Lots of companies depreciate the use of email. An argument I’ve heard often is: «But, the young generation today doesn’t use…

  • Visionary leading

    So, you have some sort of responsibility. It may be work related, voluntary or maybe you plan on taking more responsibility in your own life. How do you make sure that you have momentum, and a direction according to where you want to go? Lets consider this: You lead a team of motivated people. You want…

  • Predictive Business Intelligence

    Lately, I have spent some time on the future of BI. We know we need reporting, and data warehouses. What about going beyond data warehousing and business reporting? Instead of asking the question: How many leads did our last campaign result in? We turn the question around to: Which campaign should we run? This question…