Predictive Business Intelligence

Lately, I have spent some time on the future of BI. We know we need reporting, and data warehouses. What about going beyond data warehousing and business reporting?

Instead of asking the question:
How many leads did our last campaign result in?

We turn the question around to:
Which campaign should we run? This question is based on common sense and insight in customers.

Eventually we will ask:
How many leads will our next campaign return? Now, our answer will rely on statistical data.

Hindsight vs Prediction:
“[…]you still need business intelligence to know what really happened in the past, but you also need predictive analytics to optimize your resources as you look to make decisions and take actions for the future[…]”

For more information regarding this topic:
I have found that the blogs at provide thoughts and concepts from one of the bigger players in the market. Look up the articles of Bill Schmartzo for more thoughts around this topic.

BI Analyst vs Data Scientist, what is the difference? 

Begin to set focus on predictive analysis. Discover who is the most valuable customers.

Statistical abilities of the Data Scientist.

IT Transformation storymap (in pdf). IT and related processes are always changing. This illustration and its linked articles brings up this topic.


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