Autumn in Bergen

After I bought the Photomatix HDR plugin for Aperture, I’ve been trying to make time for an evening outside, shooting some more images with high dynamic range.

Here are some pictures i shot during last “photowalk”.

Fototur til Fløien HDR Fototur til Fløien HDR Fototur til Fløien HDR Fototur til Fløien HDR


I am still not completely satisfied with the results. As you might know, there are many factors influencing the result. When I shoot three images with different exposures, objects in the image may move, or the camera might slightly get out of place, giving “ghosts” or a fuzzy image. Camera-settings, noise in the picture and the settings in the photomatix-plugin will affect the quality of your “end-product”. Theres much to learn, and it’s really fun!



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