Category: Teknisk

  • Business Storytelling

    I found an interesting and educational article, which describes how to do storytelling the right way. Storytelling is a means to market, or introduce yourself as a business to potential partners or customers. By telling stories the right way, you involve the listener in a dimension they can relate to. Combined with images and video to…

  • Observation

    Back in the day, we had “protocols” for what you were about to send over the net. A lot went P2P, a lot went to BBS, a lot went to IRC. Then came the web, with its own use area. Namely, web pages for distribution of information, «homepages» and the likes. After the web took…

  • High resolution desktop wallpapers

    It has been a while since last upload of desktop wallpapers. In this upload, however, the resolution have been increased to 2880×1800. You know, laptops with a high screen resolution are more common nowadays. Click the images for full resolution. The image below is one of my better wallpapers, in my opinion. It is actually three images layered…

  • Should companies depreciate email?

    Todays post is about electronic mail. It occurred to me, that I might be writing to the generation 40+. Everyone from 13-30s think they have it all figured out, especially in regards to computers. Lots of companies depreciate the use of email. An argument I’ve heard often is: «But, the young generation today doesn’t use…

  • Crowdfunding

    I have backed a number of crowdfunding projects. I find it particular interesting to participate in music projects. This way, by backing their projects, I may follow their studio recording sessions, listen to samples and give feedback. For artists composing music, it enables a complete new way of involving the listener (or fans if you…

  • Predictive Business Intelligence

    Lately, I have spent some time on the future of BI. We know we need reporting, and data warehouses. What about going beyond data warehousing and business reporting? Instead of asking the question: How many leads did our last campaign result in? We turn the question around to: Which campaign should we run? This question…

  • In the banking & technology business?

    Ok, if you – like me are in the combined banking & information technology sectors, you might find this weblog interesting. I must say I liked his series about the “semantic layer” between your data warehouse & end users. This is a topic I have spent some time on in periods the last couple of…

  • Corrupted file names?

    If you, like me are from some country where we use characters outside your average ascii-spectrum, you might have some filenames with your local chars in them. Now, in a perfect world, this might not be a problem, because all your computers, external hard drive and the NAS has the same encoding, so this works…

  • Autumn in Bergen

    After I bought the Photomatix HDR plugin for Aperture, I’ve been trying to make time for an evening outside, shooting some more images with high dynamic range. Here are some pictures i shot during last “photowalk”.   I am still not completely satisfied with the results. As you might know, there are many factors influencing…

  • New attempt at HDR photographing

    I’ve never been a fan of instagram-effects on photos taken on a device with 0,5mm image sensor. However high quality HDR photos has always amazed me. I’ve tried before, but even with hours spent in Adobe Photoshop, I could not get the image to POP. I don’t normally use Photoshop, and think it is a to “big” tool…